History of Kemerli House

Kemerli House made by a Hungarian builder before 130 years. Today, The House being managed by family of Abdullah Hilmi Efendi who is the first master of house.


Abdullah Hilmi Efendi was son of Hacı Ali Aga. Hacı Ali Aga died unexpectedly. So when Abdullah Hilmi Efendi managed to made the house, gave his fathers name to the house. Because of this, Kemerli House’s local name is Hacı Ali House.


The house has a unique architecture. Selchukian architecture of the house made last years of Ottoman Empire. Hungarian builder of the structure, choosed a original way to build and made four iwan (entry – eyvan in Turkish) to the building. But there was a problem… How would he was be able to assemble those four different build? Builder went his hometown to figure out this problem for 2 years. When he came back. He solved this problem with a original idea. He made a dome for these four iwan, then he has laid a stone to middle of dome. This stone was the powercenter of the dome.


Thanks to this idea and Hungarian builder, today the house is the only example of this type architecture in all over the Anatolia.


Nowadays, Abdullah Hilmi Efendi’s grandchildren hosting guests on the rooms of this living legend with a proffessional service.